JLPT Exam Day Essentials

JLPT Exam Day Essentials: What to Bring and What to Expect

The JLPT exam day can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with proper preparation and the right essentials, you can approach it with confidence. This blog post equips you with a comprehensive guide on what to bring and what to expect on your JLPT exam day.

Essentials to Pack:

Valid ID: Ensure you bring a government-issued photo ID (passport, driver’s license) that matches the name you registered under for the JLPT.

JLPT Test Voucher: This is your official entry permit for the exam. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy or have a digital copy readily accessible (if allowed by your test center).

Writing Utensils: Pack at least two HB or 2B pencils and a good eraser. These pencils are recommended for optimal scanning by the computer.

Watch: While some test centers might have clocks visible, it’s best to bring a wristwatch to keep track of time during the exam sections.

Optional: A water bottle and light snacks can be helpful during breaks, depending on the test center’s policies. However, avoid bringing anything with strong smells or that could be considered disruptive.

What to Expect on Exam Day

Arrival: Arrive at the test center early to avoid last-minute stress. Familiarize yourself with the location beforehand and factor in travel time.

Check-in: Present your ID and JLPT test voucher at the registration desk. Listen carefully to instructions from the test proctors.

Seating: You’ll be assigned a designated seat in the exam hall. Make sure you understand the layout of the answer booklet and question sheets.

Exam Format: The JLPT format varies depending on the level. Generally, there will be multiple sections focusing on Language Knowledge (Vocabulary & Grammar), Reading, and Listening. Each section will have specific instructions and time limits.

Breaks: There will be short breaks between sections. Use this time to use the restroom, stretch, or take a few deep breaths to manage any anxiety.

Additional Tips

Dress comfortably: Wear layered clothing as the temperature in the exam hall might vary. Opt for comfortable shoes and avoid anything that might cause noise or distraction.

Get a good night’s sleep: Being well-rested is crucial for optimal cognitive function and focus during the exam.

Eat a healthy breakfast: Fuel your brain with nutritious food that will sustain your energy throughout the test.

Positive self-talk: Remind yourself of your preparation and believe in your abilities.

Focus on the present moment: Don’t dwell on past questions or worry about future sections. Concentrate on the question at hand and answer to the best of your ability.


By coming prepared with the right essentials and a positive mindset, you can conquer your JLPT exam day. Remember, you’ve invested time and effort in learning Japanese. Trust your abilities, stay calm, and showcase your language skills with confidence! We at My Japanese Online wish you the very best for your JLPT journey!

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